Wednesday, June 1, 2011


B(8): ½ c flax seed cereal, ½ c 2%milk, ½ pumpkin bar, cup of coffee
S(10:30): boiled egg, tomato, water
L(12:30): 6oz salmon, ½ c couscous, ½ c green beans, banana, water
S(2:45): peanut butter&jelly samich on 7grain bread, water
D(7:30): 3beef ribs, ½ c coleslaw, ½ c sweet potatoes, 8oz unsweet tea(Papa’s Bros)

B(8): ½ c flax seed cereal, ½ c milk, ½ pumpkin protein bar, cup of coffee
S(11):PB on 7grain bread, water
L(1pm):2beef ribs, ¼ c coleslaw, ½ c sweet potatoes, water
S(4:30): protein shake, banana
D(7:40): handful of chips, salsa, ¼ c Spanish rice, 1 shrimp&spinach  enchilada, 12oz unsweet tea

B(9:30): 1 ½ pcs 7grain wheat French toast, 1 egg, 2pcs turkey sausage, ½ cup of coffee
Gym-10min walking warm-up, 30mins weights w/trainer
S(11:15): protein drink, 1pc white bread
L(2:30): Lamb & beef gyro w/ cucumber mint sauce, 12 oz Gatorade
D(7pm): ½ cheeseburger(jack/box), ½ reg. fry, 8oz coke

B(8):2eggs in an Ezekiel Bread Tortilla, 8oz OJ
Practice- 2 hours
S(11): protein shake, banana
L(2): 2rice paper veggie rolls w/ 1 tbsp Peanut Sauce, water
S(4): pita bread and hummus, chips and guacamole, 7up
D(8): 1hotdog, ½ c pasta salad, ½ c potatoe salad, R Punch

B(9): ½ c Ezekiel Flaxseed cereal, ½ c 2%milk, banana,  8oz OJ
L(12:30): ramen noodles, water
S(4pm): PB & honey on 7grain wheat bread, 8oz milk
D(7pm): 2 pork ribs(baked), ½ c pasta salad, 1c baked beans, 8oz 2%milk

Tuesday :
B(9): 2 eggs, 1 pc turkey sausage, 1pc 7grain wheat bread, 1pc cinnamon raisin Ezekiel Bread w/ cream cheese, 8oz oj, cup of coffee
S(12):3sheets Ezekiel crackers w/ cream cheese, 8oz OJ
L(3): PB&honey on 7grain wheat bread, 8oz milk, 2handfuls of doritoes
D(6): chinese food

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